viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2020



En los medio se comenta de que una nueva cepa de virus ha surgido en el Reino Unido (UK), la vacuna no ha dado el resultado esperado, es evidente de la gentío de la pandemia no ha sido brillante, han dado mucho énfasis en la vacuna y el utilizar mascarillas, las vacunas demoran tiempo en ser desarrollada y las mascarillas su eficacidad es mínima, Suecia no creyó necesario imponer en uso de las mascarillas, todos saben que es en comienzo de invierno cuando llega la temporada de la gripe y debemos preguntarnos cual es el factor fundamental para que esto suceda cada año, todo esto tiene que ver con el sistema inmunológico, en mi lógica yo deduzco que muchos portan el virus de la gripe todo el año pero solo se manifiesta cuñando la temperatura del cuerpo baja y el sistema inmunológico no funciona de manera optima, muchos se enferman si no se abrigan bien.

Tomando esta experiencia de la pandemia actual la primera cosa que debemos hacer es fortalecer el sistema inmunológico manteniendo una temperatura corporal adecuada, nuestro sistema inmunológico combatirá mejor los virus y si somos vacunados la vacuna será más eficaz. 

martes, 27 de octubre de 2020



La información es importante para el enriquecimiento de conocimiento humano y es que con el conocimiento adquirido que se buscan soluciones para solucionar los problemas, para tener una mejor salud, para tener más autonomía como humanos y no depender instituciones que el único objetivos que tienen es hacer dinero, es una actitud psicópata, una persona normal no puede ser tan egoísta pues a largo plazo nunca se sentirán seguros, siempre tendrán el temor de perder todo y un día morirán y no podrán llevarse sus riquezas, hay información que se nos oculta por la sencilla razón de que puede dañar sus ingresos, estas gente son un obstáculo para el progreso de la sociedad humana, a mi me bloquean mi blog, donde hablo de energía libre y como fortalecer el sistema inmunitario, publique un ebook en Amazon, la primeras hora aparecía, ahora aparece pero con otros libros. si ven mi blog tendrán una idea de lo que he publicado.  Este es mi ebook.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020




From the theoretical point of view of current science, inertia seems impossible to explain in a logical way, the reason is that there is no logical principle that can be applied from the beginning and that continues to clarify the path of science, that is why I want to remind you that in this new science that I am creating there are two basic principles in relation to space

1. Space extends to infinity in a continuous and accelerated way, the physical universe being within an entity or non-physical world, something similar to a division by zero occurs, the physical does not occupy a place or spiritual space, the physical world will grow infinite and will always be a point from the spiritual point of view.

2. In space there are points where the physical properties and dimensions have the value zero, the density at these points is zero. Space behaves like a superfluid gas that has different levels of densities and space like a fluid moves from where there is a higher density to where there is a lower level of density, there is an interaction between space and points with physical properties, space converges to zero occurring as multiplication by zero.

Taking these two principles as a basis we can explain mass and inertia, space converse in the direction of anybody that has a mass-producing mass and inertia, a mass at rest has inertia that resists any acceleration or movement, this It is because space converges in the direction of the body with mass, creating as an anchor in space, a gravitational field consists of the space converging in the direction of the planet or body that produces the gravitational field, the more particles that make up the body, the greater will be the anchor and the mass will be greater, due to the current of space that converges to the earth (gravitational force) the body tries to travel with the current and here the weight arises, like a river with a boat that travels in the current if not They are self-propelled, they all go at the same speed regardless of the setting or weight. something to notice in the same way that there is acceleration in the expansion of the Universe (space) there is also an acceleration in space returning to zero. From the mathematical point of view we can say that foolish in a division by zero as in a multiplication there is acceleration.


The relationship of the mass of a body with space depends on the dynamic state of the body, when there is no movement, that is, the body is at rest, the mass of the body is manifested in a uniform way around the body, but if we accelerate the body, the mass of the body will be greater in the direction in which the body is directed (Watch the Video) and decreases in other directions, the speed creates an effect equivalent to increasing the density of space, it is as if the density of the space will increase in a gravitational field there are different levels of densities, the speed of a body is dependent on the density of the space where it moves, if a probe like the pioneers 10 and 11 the speed will decrease in a way equivalent to the loss of density, the opposite can happen if the density increases, there will be an acceleration, it is evident that other propulsion systems can be created from modifying the geometry of a body, if the entire mass of a ship was modified from including the crew members this ship would have the ability to make great accelerations without the crew members feeling the G force.

 Mass variation

Universal balance mechanism.

The planets revolve around the sun, they do not collapse or flee from the sun, they remain in an orbit as if they were tied by something invisible. I have discovered a mechanism that allows this. Taking as a basis what I wrote previously and accepting that space behaves like a substance, in the time of James Clerk Maxwell it was believed that there was a substance that filled space, this substance was called ether, this substance was attributed qualities that it allowed magnetism in space and that light can travel in space as a wave. I explained in The Origin Of The Physical Universe that space has the qualities that were attributed to ether and also that the density of space can vary, for example the density of the solar system varies, being greater near the sun and when moving away from the sun the density decreases, the same happens with the planets but it is the sun that predominates, I explained that the mass varies when the density varies and if the body is in motion the speed also varies, there are anomalies like those suffered by the pioneer probe 10 and 11 that are explained with these principles. The planets will always try to collapse or flee and what happens is that when they begin to distance themselves from the sun, the density of space decreases and with this the mass and speed decreases to return again until their mass and speed increase due to the increase in the density of space, in these paths describes an elliptical rotation.



  Before the physical universe came into being there was a non-physical entity, according to the Holy Scriptures an all powerful God was the one who gave rise to the physical universe, the fact that a non-physical entity gave rise to the universe gives a support point to establish a logic , establish a relationship and the relative values ​​of one in relation to the other and their value with respect to themselves, for example the physical universe within a spiritual entity does not occupy a spiritual place, it is only one point and its spiritual value is zero and vice versa versa a spiritual entity you do not occupy physical space its physical value is zero. At present we know that the universe is expanding accelerated to infinity, equivalent to a division by zero, in mathematics it is forbidden to divide by zero because it goes to infinity, the physical universe for itself is 1 within a spiritual entity that from the physical point of view is zero gives this simple equation: Physical universe. Uf = 1/0.

Summarizing what I wrote yesterday, the relationship of the spiritual world and the physical world, their relative values ​​and absolute values, the physical world is contained within a spiritual world, I established the mathematical relationship of the physical world contained in a spiritual world that gives a division by zero, the content (the physical universe) is the dividend and the one that contains it (the spiritual world) is the divisor, here the division by zero does not mean that the physical universe is contained in nothing, it means that the value physical of the spiritual universe is zero.

The physical world is a point in relation to the spiritual world and vice versa, here we are going to take two types of points and identify their relationships, a point within something has a three-dimensional relationship, such as the physical universe, a point within the spiritual universe, the dimensions Physical growth does not go outside to the spiritual universe, it can grow eternally but it will never encompass spiritual space, it is physical growth from the inside.

I want this logic to be synchronized with reality and that is why I see real things like neutrinos to add it to this logic, as you know, neutrinos are particles that start at a point without physical dimensions and form something similar to a whirlpool, it is here Where we find the other point I am talking about, this point is located on the edge or border between the physical world and the spiritual world, from the spiritual point of view the distance does not exist and that is why we find it anywhere in the universe physical, at this point all physical characteristics have the value zero and behaves as a multiplication by zero in relation to space, space returns to zero, creating different levels of densities and at the same time a vortex, we can say that this particular consumes the space something like a black hole. In space you have relevant qualities that have been ignored after you accepted that the ether does not exist.

As space returns to zero, space is compressed and creates different levels of densities, space moves when returning to zero, from now on we can see space as the main source of energy in the physical universe and we can affirm that energy it is created in the expansion of the space of our physical universe, everything that is material is space and energy, it is evident .... as a neutrino becomes a quark, this will be my next topic.


This part is important to understand some supposed anomalies, such as the anomalies of the pioneer probes 10 and 11, it can be understood how the inertial mass arises, it can be concluded that dark matter does not exist, that the neutron does not exist, there is other things that can be understood if we understand this part. As I have said, neutrinos compress space, bringing space to zero, when it approaches another neutrino its mass increases, the mass increases because the two influence each other, to understand this you have to know how the pressure increases inside the recent one when filled with air, the pressure increases exponentially for each pump, to calculate the pressure a geometric equation is used. A geometric progression is a sequence in which each term is obtained by multiplying the previous one by a fixed number, which is called the ratio of the progression. In other words, in a geometric progression the quotient between each term and the previous term is a constant r, which is called the ratio of the progression. Current science adds the masses and when the calculation does not give, they invent particles, matter that only exists in their ignorance, there are two factors that make the mass increase, the first is with the increase in the density of space and with the increase of the speed, with increasing speed the increase in mass will be in the direction of movement, the opposite also occurs, when the density of space decreases the mass decreases, in a moving body .....

 Main cause of hypertension

I have discovered a cause that causes high blood pressure, I have seen several videos that talk about the problem but none of them expose this cause that is easy to verify, they have to do with the amount of oxygen in the blood, if you suffer from high pressure it can be taken the pressure and then breathe deeply for a minute and take the pressure again and you will see that the blood pressure has dropped significantly, I have lowered the high blood pressure from 140 to 110 in less than a minute. According to the German doctor and scientist, winner of a Nobel Prize and multiple nominee for Nobel Prize Otto Warburg, the lack of oxygen in the body can cause a great number of diseases. I called visualize how the oxygen should behave in the blood and I understood that the oxygen should dampen the pumping of the blood pressure by reducing its volume, I verified and I am right. Having a healthy life doing exercise doing everything that helps the good absorption of oxygen like eating things in this regard. We lower the pressure by breathing but then we forget the breath and the pressure rises, it is good to repair deeply frequently in a conscious way. We all know that oxygen is in a gaseous state and that it can expand or contract when the pressure changes where it is located and although it is inside our body it has the same qualities, that is, it can contract or be expended according to the pressure where it is, for For example, if we are diving and we rise quickly to the surface we are in serious danger, because the oxygen can expand and cause great damage to the person who suffers this accident.