viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


       Currently in the mind of many people qualified, as scientists, engineers technical the only principle of propulsion of action and reaction. In propulsion action reaction mass which is propelled will react with a force equal to the force of action producing equivalent force, in the case of flights spaced you from 4 G to 6 G, i.e. that our body would have a weight of 3 to 6 times more that when we are sitting in our houses, everything seems to indicate that another principle of propulsion where there is the G force , came to this conclusion knowing I same as functioned the inertia and that there are rays tractors capable of Act to distance and attract a plane, is have seen UFO that are capable of reach a great speed, that with the system of propulsion action-reaction is virtually impossible that a person can support such acceleration. . This principle of propulsion without force G I called because comprehensive propulsion that each particle that is located on the ship will be propelled by changing its state of inertia through radiation, without raising any force ship takes the direction in which its inertial State direct it.
Here we see how some scientist trying to understand a new propulsion system.

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